ISSN: 2782-2680

The magazine specialises in conducting investigation of individuals and entities that pretend to act as journalists or mass media violating human rights and not in line with conventional global practises and standards of journalism.

14 years ago, we decided to convey our understanding of the future by reaching out to new respondents and bringing together expert researchers around a new media outlet, Union Magazine. The subject of our research, inter alia, was the change and deformation of public orders, institutions and rules.
      Today, the future we warned about is setting in. One of the new signs of this future has been the destruction of fair journalism institution.
      In the modern virtual world we witness new individuals and groups of individuals acting as criminals, a transnational mafia in the media and  information space, openly neglecting the rights of people and businesses.
     This new mafia has fighters in the legit journalistic field, but it also includes the grass roots of information mercenaries. They have considerable funds raised on the principle of gangster funds to pay for the work of hackers or lawyers if they need to defend themselves.
Information mercenaries try to look respectable, reward each other with journalistic awards, and it is often difficult to distinguish them from truly decent representatives of the journalism, for whom objectivity and truth are not just empty words.
      After the criminal attacks, intrusion in private life, hacking, and often just mere compilations and defamations by such information mercenaries, people have to justify themselves for years before bank clerks, business partners and even close people to prove the injustice and illegality of accusations announced in the public field without the right to any appeal.
      We will oppose this new type of extrajudicial reprisals by revealing their methods and techniques and calling the individuals involved in the activities inconsistent with the title of journalist.
      To do this, we will need to unite those who are not afraid to stand up to groups that have arrogated to themselves the right to extrajudicially destroy the reputation of individuals, families or businesses.
      The new society and the new world require new methods of struggle. What was once taken for granted as a rule of law and ethics now needs to be protected.
     Cultural differences are one of the global civilizational threats. The unity and peaceful existence of mankind is based largely on the universally recognized norms and principles of international law, including those enshrined in the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
     There are individuals and groups of individuals who, regardless of universal norms and industry standards, arrogate to themselves the right to have the last word in determining the final assessments that claim to be true.
      It is acceptable for them to manipulate public opinion, abuse public space, exert influence upon state bodies, agencies and other public institutions, incite hatred, inflict material damage, drive wedges into the already complicated contradictions and differences among people and states.
      Such individuals and groups must be identified and their illegal activities suppressed.
      Union Magazine is starting this mission.